Step-by-Step Guide: How to Import Your Reddit Vault into Bitski Wallet

April 26, 2023

Reddit, the “front page of the internet,” onboarded millions of users to web3. From their app, users were automatically able to claim fun avatars and earn tokens for participation in subreddits like /r/cryptocurrency and their “moons.” But currently, there is a large gap between users who are die-hard fans of decentralization and people who just looking to play around with their Reddit avatars. In the middle exists the opportunity to expose large swaths of the internet to more meaningfully owning and harnessing their online personas.

Did you know most of Reddit’s “Digital collectibles” (cough, NFTs) have not left the wallets they were minted on? Sounds like an easy problem to solve with the Bitski wallet.

It is easy to claim your avatars on Reddit, though managing your Reddit wallet and using it on other exciting dApps requires a wallet like Bitski’s. With just a few easy steps, you can now use your Reddit Vault with any dApps (decentralized apps, basically websites with blockchain functionality). Our design helps all those dApps function better. So farm those moons, grab avatar drops, and prepare for what comes next from Reddit, Nike, and Starbucks — all those you know and love.

Section 1 - How to find your Reddit Vault’s public address and private key:

Finding your Reddit public address is take only a couple of steps. Once you do you can follow the steps in Section 2 to import or watch your Reddit Vault with ease in the Bitski iOS app for extension!

Step 01

Open your settings in the Reddit app and navigate down to “Style Avatar”, it should be the fourth option in the list!

Step 02

Once you open the “Style Avatar” page, click on the “Your Stuff” text to view the items in your Reddit Vault.

Step 03

On the top right in the “Your Stuff” menu, there’s an icon that looks like a circle, click that and you’ll be taken to your Reddit Vaults details page.

Step 04

Now you can either copy your Reddit Vault address to watch the wallet or if importing view your recovery phrase. Once you copy either one, head to the Bitski wallet and follow the steps in Section 2!

If you still need help finding your address or recovery phrase, the Reddit team has all the important info you need here: Reddit’s help guide here.

Section 2 - How to import your Reddit Vault to Bitski’s iOS app:

We suggest using a cold storage method to store your Reddit Vault private key. A password manager or a physical copy saved in a secure location works for many people.  (Don’t save it in a .txt file on your desktop!)

Step 1

Open the Bitski iOS app and head to the wallet sidebar.

Step 2

Hit the “Add wallet” button. This is where we can either import the seed phrase of our wallet or paste the public 0x address of someone else’s wallet to see what they are buying and get push notifications for their activity! Handy for making a feed of valuable information on what to buy or sell.

Step 3

Paste the private key here and press “Import” to continue.

Step 4

Our import was successful! We can give that wallet a fun profile pic and descriptive name to remember which one it is.

Step 5

Now that you've imported your Reddit Vault all your Reddit Avatar can now be managed with your Bitski Wallet.

Additionally, you can see more details for each item by clicking on any of your owned Reddit Avatars. We display helpful metrics like the value of the collections floor price, total trading volume, top bid on an item, and last sale price.

If you can't see an item from your Reddit Wallet, but know it’s there by looking in the Reddit mobile app, don’t worry! Bitski can help you locate it on the blockchain to view, feel free to send us a DM on Twitter so we can assist.

Not on iPhone? No sweat. Bitski offers a browser extension for Chrome-based browsers similar to Metamask but with additional security, functionality, and an NFT focus for a higher quality of life.

Section 3 - How to import your Reddit Vault to Bitski’s browser extension:

Just like on iOS, once we have the private key, just open up the Bitski browser extension and paste it in.

Please reach out to us at the Bitski Zendesk or to if you have any questions on how to import your Reddit wallet, buy or sell your Reddit avatar on a secondary NFT marketplace, or to squash any bugs you might encounter during the process!